Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Thank Goodness for Kleenex PLUS!

Well, I think any blogging aspirations I may have had, have kind of faded into oblivion the past few days. Actually, most of life has been put on hold, due to a nasty head cold, flu-like symptoms, and a nagging sinus infection. At this point, what I can say is... Kleenex PLUS is the best thing to come along since soft-spread butter!!! I'll spare you the rest of the details and hope to be blogging again very soon.


Karen Walden said...

Hope you get to feeling better soon! That stuff seems to really "lag on" for several days! In the meantime, enjoy your chicken noodle soup!!!

Tamra said...

We miss you! Feel better soon!

A Peek Into My Life said...

Uuugh! Hope you are better soon!

tacomom said...

Get well soon!

LaDonna said...

Hey, been there-done that! And it really does seem to linger on and on, and on! Sorry, but that's just the case. Can't wait for spring to come and "air out" the house. Take care and remember to "feed a cold, starve a fever!" Gives you an excuse to eat, now if you could just taste what you're eating, right???

Kim M. said...

I soooo understand. Just got over mine.. hope you are better soon!

Cheryl Watters said...

I hope you are feeling better real soon! Miss you! Would love to see you!

Anonymous said...

Trust you get feeling better. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. It was great to hear from you. Junia

Jody J said...

Get well really soon! You're right about the Kleenex! Have you tried the ones with Vicks? They are great too. Happy blowing! ;)

Rachel said...

Trust you are feeling better. I'm so thankful for Kleenex Plus, they just make blowing your nose a little less painful.