Sunday, March 9, 2008

One Way To Know Your Child Is Growing Up-


Karen Walden said...

awwwwh! They look cute together!

Tamra said...

Care to share who this lucky guy is? He looks familiar. Tell Amber they make a cute couple.

Melanie C. said...

Cute couple!, fun, fun!!...

Tara said... can this be?? It's a little depressing! ;)

Leah said...
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Leah said...

Yes, he would be familiar to you. He is Jeremy & Becky Fish's son, Seth.

Leah said...

Ok Leah - I just HAD to comment for now I feel REALLY old!!! I knew your daughter was at "that" age but to tell me that is Jeremy and Becky's son just blew me out of the water!!!!! I cannot believe they have a son that old!!!! Oh well - seems like we are in the same place in life. David is getting married in August and Carrie has a boyfriend and Ashley has "interests"!! Such fun!! Cute couple!!

A Peek Into My Life said...

Oh my, my! That is hard to believe! :) I remember going to YOUR wedding.....!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

They really make a CUTE couple! They look nice together! It's hard to believe that my "little" brother has a daughter old enough to date! He's from a good family! Love Ya!

Beth Stetler said...

I taught Amber in 1st Grade. I feel old, too! :-)They do look cute, though!

Unknown said...

Awww...I in no ways consider myself old, but I helped out in Jr. Church when Seth was little...good grief!

Tricia G. said...

They are so cute together!!! I thought he looked really familiar -
now I know why - ha ha!! I didn't think he was that old yet - I'm like Jenny - I don't consider myself old either - but I'm beginning to feel ancient!!!!!

LaDonna said...

Isn't it a small world after all? Jeremy's son...hmmm, if he's anything like his daddy was at that age, maybe we should talk! Ha! I'm right there with ya, my boy's going on 18 and has several "friends," just like his daddy did at that age! Teenagers, aren't they great??!!

Cheryl Watters said...

They are so cute together. It's hard to believe that Amber is of dating age. (Actually what is hard to believe is that Dan has consented for her to be of dating age.) I thought she would have to wait until she was at least 30 to date if he had anything to say about it. I'm happy for Amber and Seth.

Kim M. said...

Aweeee, they are really cute! Time sure does fly!